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School Life

Hi! Hmm I think it’s the first time I’m posting at my new blog in English haha.

Oh yeah, Now I'm school in Muhammad Husni Thamrin Senior High School. Have you ever heard this school from your teacher or your friends? Actually, we called our school by super school haha. And I'm very proud of this school.
Let me think how long I study at MHT senior high school….three months? Wow, but I think more than three months. Haha. I remember my reason to school in MHT. First, because point of view of this school are very interesting. Then, I think this school could be the best school in Jakarta moreover in Indonesia, amien. Because all of the teacher in MHT are the best teacher in Jakarta. And then, this school is completed by many good facilities such as swimming pool, tennis court, mosque, GOR, and many more!

School life? Although there are many homework, but I think the teacher only want to give exercise to us in order to make us smart. Every day, I go to school at 6.40 am, because I live in dormitory. The class ending at 4 pm or 5 pm. And on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday there are only one subject in one day. Because, special for these day we study about hard science such as Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Biology. But, on Thursday we study about two subjects, hard science and soft science. And on Tuesday and Friday we study about soft science such as ICT, English, Sociology, History, Music, Art, etc.

In one year we must study about the subject of the first until third grade of senior high school. In the second grade, we study about the Olympiad matter of hard science. Sometimes, I feel stress because there are so many homework, test, and remedial. But I think, I must arrange my times in order to get more times for do homework and study.

Actually, I love this school because I believe, one day this school could make me success.

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